Jonathan Schulz has the unique ability to both work on the ground level with players and inspire growth and change on a larger scale. He is very skilled at identifying areas to improve player/team performance outside of the white lines. For us, being able to tap into what makes our players uniquely tick has been the biggest impact. As a coach or teacher, being able to better understand the "why's" of each player allows you to not only better connect with them, but also use field time more efficiently for physical skill development.
Jonathan has helped us connect the dots and it's been a game changer!
Josh Bieneman
Associate Scout | Los Angeles Dodgers
Director | VIBE Player Development
By the end of our season, we were preparing better than any team we faced. We expected to win, and we had adopted a mentality as a team that I had not seen in my four years. This would not have been possible without Mr. Schulz. The impact and the difference that he was able to make in such a short amount of time was truly remarkable.
Colton Nutter
High School & Collegiate Athlete
Springfield High School | Defiance College
100% Or Nothing
A Reimagined Roadmap
To Achievement
Using Roadblocks
To Become Unbreakable
The Brain Game
No One Is Playing
100% Or Nothing
"Practice makes perfect" is a phrase passed down through generations, yet the level of intensity and focus in our practice and preparation rarely matches the desired level we expect our performance to reach. Too often, coaches and players are self-limiting their ability to reach and surpass their personal potential because of a lack of understanding of what it takes to go from average to good to elite. Preparation Unleashed will provide the blueprint for what it legitimately takes to find sustainable success and establish an indestructible culture.
A Reimagined Roadmap
To Achievement
One of the biggest mistakes the majority of athletes make is setting goals that, more often than not, are only partially within their control. Whether individually, as a team or organization, our ability to achieve beyond our own expectations is tied directly to our vision and detailed plan of action. Once a goal becomes clearly focused and the exact ways to achieve it are uncovered, unstoppable momentum is created. Redefine your goals and never be the same.
Using Roadblocks
To Become Unbreakable
All of our lives, we are taught to run from pressure and fear adversity, yet by taking that approach, has either ceased to exist? What if you could instantly flip your definitions and core understanding of these omnipresent adversaries and begin to utilize them on your path to success? Once you choose to use them as allies and remove negativity from the equation, development and success will move rapidly in a direction you have never experienced in every area of your life.
The Brain Game
No One Is Playing
When was the last time you dedicated a portion of your practice, offseason training or pregame preparation to psychological and emotional strengthening? Every single sport on the planet takes a bulletproof psyche to perform at an elite level, yet nearly 100% of available time is focused on the physical. Once you make the commitment to partner the development of both mental and physical aspects of your athletes, the sky is the limit. Do what no one else is doing and kick their development into overdrive.
One of the great gifts of truly impactful coaches is their ability to relate to and develop athletes as individuals, understanding that each one has their own personality and motivations. Life Unleashed can help you instantly identify each player's psychological and emotional needs and preferences through our Total Athlete Assessment, which will give your coaching staff a massive advantage in player development over the competition.
This list of programs is just the starting point for how Life Unleashed can impact your school and student body. From leadership retreats to grade/school transition programs to one-on-one work with at-risk children in need of mentorship, there are countless programs and formats that can be created to accommodate your vision and goals. Reach out below to receive a wide-range of format options or begin the process of creating your own unique program.