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Life Unleashed has created a suite of dedicated programs specifically for businesses called Mind Thrive. We work directly with ownership and management teams to design and customize EAPs (Employee Assistance Programs) for their employees in areas of mental wellness and performance, as well as support programs for individuals experiencing anxiety, addiction or other life-altering struggles that negatively impact their personal and professional lives. Customized offerings may include confidential performance coaching and counseling sessions, group workshops on mental health, wellness and personal development, spouse and family programs, management and leadership enhancement, emergency interventions, and the onboarding of new hires.
American workers that rate their mental health as
fair or poor
American workers that report their job has a negative impact on their mental health
Employees 40 & under that view wellness programs as essential when selecting a new career
Annual employer cost per employee experiencing mental health issues
$50+ Billion
Cost to American employers due to absences and lost productivity
Return on investment for every dollar invested into wellness programs
Recruit + Retain
Top Talent
Performance + Profitability
Develop Leaders For An
Unparalleled Culture
Attracting and keeping the best and brightest employees is key to the ultimate success of any business. Whether it is offering a support and benefit package unlike anything your competitors offer or ensuring that every employee feels valued and has the resources they need to thrive, your business can make a massive move to the next level and become a go-to destination for must-have and must-keep professionals.
We don't need a scientific study to prove that employees' mental wellness directly impacts their motivation, skill sets and performance in their roles, which, in turn, will have a huge impact - positive or negative - on business success, growth and profitability. When your employees receive the support they need, the ultimate outcomes will more closely align with the goals of your business - guaranteed.
Business leadership and the management team we select to lead our employees are essential to building an environment to thrive and achieve high levels of success. When your leaders understand how to effectively communicate, navigate and motivate, plus also have the support resources they need to be the best version of themselves, your business will be strong from the top-down, resulting in a sustainable, winning culture.
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